Home / Academic Education / Master of Science (Optics)
The Master of Science (Optics) has the objective of generating human resources that possess, as a result of their studies, ample theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Optics, as well as basic methodological abilities in popularization, technological innovation and research.
The program consists of 6 terms. Its whole duration is 24 months. The distribution of courses enables the students to study the core curriculum during the first 3 periods, which will serve as the basis for the development of their research project during the rest of the program.
This program started in 1984 and is recognized by CONACYT’s National Program of Quality Graduate Studies (Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad, or PNPC) with the “International Competition” level until 2022. Additionally, it is a dual degree program with the Master of Science in Electro-Optics of the University of Dayton (USA). The students who accomplish the requirements and had developed an outstanding academic profile are candidates to be registered in this dual program.
Detailed information of our M.S. program:
Admission Profile: A bachelor’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, Nanotechnology or a bachelor of engineering in Physics, Electronics Mechanics, Chemistry, Computer Systems or a related technical field is required.
Graduate profile: A student graduating from the Master’s Degree in Science (Optics) program has solid knowledge in Optics, along with the initiative and creativity needed to conduct scientific research, and the skills required for verbal scientific communication and team work. He is also skilled in creating, programming and managing Optics-related software, and can work in teaching and disseminating science. As a result of his training, he displays intellectual openness attitudes that allow him to adapt to the changing circumstances of his professional activity.
They have acquired abilities and dexterities that enable them to work in the popularization and teaching of science, they propose solutions to technological problems in the field of optics, and design experimental approaches for the solution of basic problems in the field. As a result of their education, they possess and demonstrate in their professional performance the attitudes of intellectual and methodological openness required to face the elements of reality that are related to their professional duties.
Impacting four major sectors: Energy, Health, Manufacture and Food.
Program coordinator: Dr. David Monzón Hernández, Academic Director
Email: maestria@cio.mx
Phone: (477) 441 42 00, ext. 222, 320 y 403
Last Update: Nov 22, 2024