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Laboratory of velocimetry

  • Laboratory of velocimetry


Techniques for the study of fluid dynamics and solid mechanics are developed and implemented. We carry out measurement of physical variables such as temperature, concentration, density, deformation, displacement, shape, velocity and flow rate. The range of test object sizes goes from a few cm to around one meter.

Technologies /Tecnhiques:

Particle image velocimetry, schlieren, interferometry, digital holography, fringe projection, photoelasticity, speckle pattern.


  • Double-pulse Nd:YAG laser of 400 mJ
  • PIV cameras
  • HD projectors
  • Cw 400-mW Nd:YAG laser and ultrasound scanning

For more information please contact

Dr. Bernardino Barrientos
Phone: 4414200 ext. 277
BUilding: Cabaña

Last Update: Nov 17, 2022