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Photonic Conversion in Optical Fibers

  • Photonic Conversion in Optical Fibers


In this laboratory we investigate and propose techniques for introducing changes to the emission properties of light sources. In order to achieve this, we mainly use optical fibers as the “converters” due to their versatility and their usually circular emission. The optical fibers (usually specialty) convert for example: multi-mode into single mode (both spatial or cavity modes), the emitting wavelength, CW emission into pulses and vice versa, low brightness into high brightness, low power into high power (light amplification), non-coherent into coherent (optical pumped lasers), etc.


Upconversion of two or more IR sequentially absorbed photons into VIS-UV photons by using specialty-doped optical fibers. Development of novel fiber laser sources based on nonlinear effects and/or active dopants. Light controlling light in optical fibers (photonic optical-modulation or optical-switching).


5.5W CW 532-nm single-mode laser; Ti:Sapphire CW laser; 10W 1064-nm CW single mode Fiber Laser; Optical Spectrum Analyzer OSA-201 350-1100 nm Thorlabs; Optical Spectrum Analyzer OSA-203 1000-2500 nm Thorlabs; Optical fiber technology general tools and equipment.

For more information please contact:

Dr. Efraín Mejía Beltrán
Phone: 4414200 ext. 251
Location: Building A first floor

Last Update: Nov 17, 2022