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Optical Microscopy

  • Optical Microscopy


New super-resolution and optical microscopy techniques are developed in this laboratory. It main purpose is to apply such techniques in the description and characterization of different materials.

  • Poder conservar muestra biológicas in situ y adecuadamente, sin depender de otras instituciones.
  • Poder preparar muestras para el microscopio LSM 710 NLO y para otros equipos presentes en el CIO (implica el utilizo de químicos tóxicos y la posibilidad de hacer incubaciones en condiciones controladas).

Tecnologies /Tecnhiques:

We use techniques of interferometry, field propagation and diffraction, optical coherence tomography (OCT), digital holography, projection of periodic patterns, ultrasound, optical modulation of laser light, and digital image processing.


An OCT equipment operating at 1300nm, an ultrasound device, spatial light modulators, interferometers and light sensors, and different kind of lasers.

For more information please contact:

Dr. Noé Alcalá Ochoa
Teléfono: 4414200 ext. 194
Edificio: A
Ubicación: Puerta 153

Last Update: Nov 17, 2022