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Optical metrology I laboratory

  • Optical metrology I laboratory


New optical methods study non-invasive measurement of dynamic phenomena, by means of holographic interferometry. Holography is an optical technique for recording and reconstructs wave fronts; holographic interferometry allows a comparison of wavefronts recorded at different times. Applications of this technique, including deformation and dynamic forces, vibration analysis, study of transient phenomena in new materials. Digital holography is the analysis and synthesis of wavefronts by means of a computer.

Optical techniques:

Optical non destructive testing by applying the technique of digital holography and ESPI patterns, with images acquired at high speed.
Biomedical and industrial applications: tympanic membrane, vocal cords, and vibrations in elastic materials measurements; characterization of physical variables in dynamic conditions.

Main equipment:

Digital camera image of high speed of 500 to 100,000 frames per second. Coherent power of 2- 6W continuous lasers. "Holographic" work tables for experiments with air insulation of vibrations. Laser Vibrometer. Digital image processing software.

Working group:

Drs. Carlos Pérez López, María del Socorro Hernández Montes, Manuel De la Torre Ibarra, Mauricio Flores Moreno, Fernando Mendoza Santoyo.

For more information please contact:

Ma. Del Socorro Hernández
Phone: +52 (477) 4414200 Ext. 258
Location : Building E, 302

Last Update: Nov 17, 2022