Home / Technology and innovation / Accredited Metrology Laboratories
The Center for Research in Optics, A.C. has 2 Metrology Laboratories Accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity (ema).
The Mexican Accreditation A. C entity is the first private owned institution in the country, whose objective is to accredit other conformity institutions like testing laboratories , calibration laboratories , clinical laboratories, verification units (inspection entities) and certification entities , proficiency testing suppliers and verifiers / validators agencies of greenhouse gas emissions and testing laboratories.
Calibration laboratories shows their technical competence , ensuring the calibration quality of reports or opinions that emit through verification of compliance with the structure and organization , ethics and impartiality , quality management system, personnel, equipment , technical procedures, validation methods , calibration, traceability , etc. , established with in the NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2006/ISO 17025:2005 Mexican standard.
The Metrology Laboratories aim is to offer our services ensuring the scope of our goals , through a high degree of customer satisfaction, working with a system of effective quality management, and high commitment to continuous improvement , compliance with our quality policy , plus NMX -EC- 17025 - IMNC- 2006 standard requirements and all legal and regulatory requirements that apply to us.
Engineer Óscar José Gutiérrez Trujillo
(477) 4 41 42 00 ext. 324
Last Update: July 30, 2018