Solar energy research and engineering groupGIIESOL



The Solar energy research and engineering group of the Optics Research Center (CIO, A.C.) carries out research and technological development activities based on converting solar energy into useful energy for the generation of heat, electricity and fuel. Our research interests encompass optics, mechatronics, transport phenomena, thermochemistry and intelligent and autonomous systems.

Areas of interes

  • Applications of solar heat for industrial processes.
  • Solar concentration technologies.
  • Production of alternative fuels from thermochemical or photocatalytic processes.
  • Solar resource evaluation.
  • Concentrator photovoltaics systems.
  • Autonomous and itelligent systems.


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Laboratorio de Innovación y Caracterización de Sistemas Termosolares y Fotovoltaicos (LICS-TF).

Finaliza el proyecto de consolidación del Laboratorio de Innovación y Caracterización de Sistemas Termosolares y Fotovoltaicos (LICS-TF). Con la consolidación del LICS-TF se busca incrementar las capacidades tecnológicas en el estado de Aguascalientes que ...