
Dr. Cristina Elizabeth Solano Sosa

Position: Investigador Titular C

Place and Date of Birth: May 27, 1953 in Mexico City DF.
She studied Physics at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). Her thesis topic was: "Basic Principles of Holography, Space Filtering and Fabry-Perot Interferometer" directed by Dr. Sergio Calixto Carrera.
She later completed graduate studies at Imperial College in London, England where she obtained a master's degree in Applied Optics and Diploma of Imperial College member. With a thesis entitled "Design of Microscope Objectives," directed by Prof. Mike Kidger.
Doctoral studies were conducted at Laval University in Quebec City in Canada. Developing her thesis with the title: "The Sensibilitation des Couches of Gelatine utilisées pour le traitment et des Images et Polarisee the holographie Conventionelle," advised by Professors R. A. Lessard and P.C. Roberge.
At the end she joined the CIO (1986) where she has conducted his research in the group of holography.

Research Interests:

Recent publications: