
Dr. Carlos Alberto Paredes Orta

Position: Researcher
Nivel SNII: Candidate

Received his Bachelor degree in Engineer in Computational Systems with specialty in database at the Instituto Tecnologico de Querétaro (2002-2007) with the Thesis: " Digitalizador de álabes de turbina para comparación virtual utilizando tecnología láser " Professional license: 5799331, his Master degree in Mechatronics at CIDESI (Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Industrial). (2008-2010) with the thesis: “Desarrollar herramientas con visión por computadora para el robot submarino Kaxan” and his PhD in Mechatronics.( 2012-2017) with the thesis: “Morfología matemática segmentación morfológica con técnicas multiescala y conexidad”.
In 2017 he joined to the CIO (Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica) as a CONACyT Fellow researcher. He is member associated of the Solar Energy Research and Engineering Group (GIIE-Sol) where his is working on computer vision and digital image processing

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