Estudió la Lic. en Física en la Facultad de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas, UANL, la Maestría en Física Aplicada- Especialidad Óptica en el CICESE, Ensenada B.C. y su Doctorado en Ciencias (Óptica), CIO, León, Gto. Investigadora Nacional Nivel-III en el SNII.
Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Óptica, de OPTICA (antes OSA) y de la SPIE.
Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Academia Mexicana de Óptica 2011-2012, Vicepresidenta de la AMO para el periodo 2013-2014 y Presidenta durante el periodo 2015-2016 de la AMO.
Miembro del Consejo de Acreditación de Programas Educativos en Física, A. C. 2013
Directora de Formación Académica, CIO, durante el año 2013.
Reconocimiento como 2024 OPTICA FELLOW (antes OSA), por sus contribuciones significativas a la metrología óptica 3D, la formación de estudiantes y el avance de la
ciencia en México y América Latina. Primera mujer mexicana que recibe este reconocimiento.
Reconocimiento como 2024 SPIE FELLOW, debido a sus logros académicos en la comunidad de óptica y fotónica a nivel nacional e internacional.
Líneas de Investigación:
- Estudio y desarrollo de técnicas metrológicas como proyección de franjas, interferometría de moteado, holografía, correlación digital de imágenes, interferometría de moiré y shearografía.
- Aplicación de técnicas ópticas en la obtención de propiedades mecánicas de micro y macro muestras biológicas y mecánicas.
Publicaciones recientes:
- Analía Sicardi Segade, Juan Antonio Rayas, Amalia Martínez García, Chromatic Aberration Compensation in a Digital Camera Lens for Fringe Projection Profilometry, Vol. 3, No. 10, 15 Oct 2024, Optics Continuum, pp. 2006-2013,
- Azael D. Domínguez-Flores, Juan Antonio Rayas, Amalia Martínez García, Raúl R. Cordero, Analysis and Correction of the Additive Phase Effect Generated by Power Change in a Mach–Zehnder Interferometer Integrated to an Optical Trap, Applied Sciences, 2024, 14, pp 2404-2023
- Heyner L. Vilchez-Rojas, Amalia Martínez-García, Juan A. Rayas, Carlos Quiroz-García, Gerardo Trujillo-Schiaffino, Didia P. Salas-Peimbert, 3D scanning of objects by projection of three incoherent RGB lines of adjustable Gaussian profile, Optik, Vol. 265, pp. 169393-10, June 2, 2022.
- Juan Antonio Rayas, Amalia Martínez-García, Ana Karen Reyes, Miguel León-Rodríguez, Measurement of the displacement field of non-planar surfaces using ESPI, Asian Journal of Physics,Vol. 31, No 7, 2022, pp. 677-686.
- K. Genovese, A. Montes, J. A. Rayas and Amalia Martínez-García, DIC strain measurement on the full-surface of an artery analogue after stent deployment, Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 31, No 8, 2022, pp 791-796.
- Mishraim Sanchez-Torres, José Luis Javier Sánchez-González, Juan Antonio Rayas-Alvarez, Amalia Martínez- García, Fringe projection technique and liquid penetrant testing for the identification of mechanical discontinuities, Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 31 , No. 8, 2022, pp. 799-806.
- Ana Karen Reyes, Carmen E. Domínguez-Flores, Juan A. Rayas, David Monzón-Hernández, Amalia Martínez-García, Raúl R. Cordero "Real-Time Temperature Monitoring in an Optical Trap", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 34, Issue 2, pp.121-124, January 15, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2022.3141376
- José Rubén Sánchez, Amalia Martínez García, Juan Antonio Rayas, Miguel León Rodríguez, “LED source Interferometer for microscopic fringe projection profilometry using a Gate´s Interferometer configuration”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 149, pp. 106822-7, February 2022,
- Miguel León Rodríguez, Amalia Martínez García, Juan Antonio Rayas, Juan Antonio Pantoja Mayo, Digital holographic tomography of cylindrical objects with a conical mirror, Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 30, No. 10 & 11, 2021, pp. 1420-1436
- Miguel León-Rodríguez, Juan A. Rayas, Amalia Martínez-García, Adrián Martínez-González, Alejandro Tellez-Quiñones, Rosario Porras-Aguilar, “Panoramic reconstruction of quasi-cylindrical objects with digital holography and a conical mirror”, Optics Letters, Vol. 46, Issue 19, pp. 4749-4752, (2021),
- Gustavo A. Gómez-Méndez, Amalia Martínez-García, David I. Serrano-García, Juan Antonio Rayas, Areli Montes-Pérez, Juan M. Islas-Islas, Noel Iván Toto-Arellano, “Measurement in-plane deformations in electronicc speckle pattern interferometry using phase-shifting modulated by polarization”, Optics Communications, Vol. 498, 127245 (7 páginas), 1 November 2021.
- Antonio de Jesús Ortiz-González, Amalia Martínez-García, Juan Benito Pascual-Francisco, Juan Antonio Rayas- Álvarez, and Alexis de Jesús Flores-García, “3D shape and strain measurement of a thin-walled elastic cylinder using fringe projection profilometry”, Applied Optics, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 1349-1356, 10 February 2021.
- Noel Iván Toto-Arellano, Gustavo A. Gómez-Méndez, Amalia Martínez-García, Yukitoshi Otani, David I. Serrano-García, Juan Antonio Rayas, Gustavo Rodríguez-Zurita, and Luis García-Lechuga, “Dynamic parallel phase-shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometer”, Applied Optics, Vol. 59, No. 27, pp. 8160-8166 (2020),
- Gustavo A. Gómez-Méndez, Gustavo Rodríguez Zurita, Amalia Martínez-García, Yukitoshi Otani, David I. Serrano-García, Luis García-Lechuga, and Noel Iván Toto-Arellano, “Phase stepping through polarizing modulation in electronic speckle pattern interferometry”, Applied, Optics, Vol. 59, No. 20, pp. 6005-6011, (10 July 2020),
- Heyner L. Vilchez-Rojas, Juan. A. Rayas, Amalia Martínez García, “Use of white light profiles for the contouring of objects”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 134, pp.106295, November 2020,
- Gustavo A. Gómez-Méndez, Amalia Martínez-García, Juan Antonio Rayas, Alexander Gaitán, “Application of speckle interferometry to the mechanical of a biopolymer sample”, Applied Optics, Vol. 59, No.13, pp. D148-D154 (1 May 2020),
- O. Barragán Pérez, J. B. Pascual-Francisco, A. Michtchenko, O. Susarrey-Huerta, Amalia Martínez García, Shearography as a tool to measure creep strain in sealing elastomers, Revista Mexicana de Física, Vol. 65, No. 5, pp. 583-589, September-October 2019.
- Gustavo A. Gómez-Méndez, Amalia Martínez-García, Ana Karen Reyes, Juan Antonio Rayas, Relative error in out-of-plane measurement due to the object illumination, Applied Optics, Vol. 58, No.18, pp. 4963-4968 (2019).
- A. Montes Pérez, G. Rodríguez-Zurita, V. H. Flores-Muñoz, G. Parra-Escamilla, D. I. Serrano-García, A. Martínez-García, et. al., Dynamic Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on a Michelson configuration and a cube beam splitter system, Optical Review, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 231-240, April 2019.
- David I. Serrano-García, Noel-Iván Toto-Arellano, Geliztle-Alejandra Parra-Escamilla, Amalia Martínez-García Gustavo Rodríguez-Zurita and Yukitoshi Otani, Multiwavelength Wavefront Detection Based on a Lateral Shear Interferometer and Polarization Phase-Shifting Techniques, Applied Optics, Vol. 57, No. 24, pp. 6860-6865, 20 August 2018. Factor de impacto: 1.791
- Miguel León Rodríguez, Juan A. Rayas, Raúl R. Cordero, Amalia Martínez-García, Adrián Martínez González, Alejandro Téllez-Quiñones, Pedro Yañez-Contreras, Dual-plane slightly off-axis digital holography based on a single cube beam splitter, Applied Optics, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 2727-2735, April 2018.
- Juan Benito Pascual Francisco, Omar Barragán Pérez, Orlando Susarrey Huerta, Alexandre Michtchenko, Amalia Martínez García, Leonardo Farfán Cabrera, “The effectiveness of Shearography and Digital Image Correlation for the study of creep in elastomers”, Materials Research Express 4, 2017, 115301-12.
- Yolanda Y. López D., Amalia Martínez-García, Julián Gómez S., Apple quality study using fringe projection and colorimetry techniques Optik, 147, pp. 401-413, 2017.
- Juan Antonio Rayas, Miguel León Rodríguez, Amalia Martínez, Katia Genovese, Orlando M. Medina, Raúl R. Cordero, Using a single-cube beam-splitter as a fringe pattern generator within a structured-light projection system for surface metrology, Optical Engineering, 56(4), 044103, pp. 1-8, April 2017
- V. H. Flores Muñoz, N.-I. Toto Arellano, D. Serrano García, A. Martínez García, G. Rodríguez Zurita, L. García Lechuga, Measurement of mean thickness of transparent-samples using simultaneous phase shifting interferometry with four interferograms, Applied Optics, 55(15), pp. 4047-4051, May 20, 2016
- Gutierrez-Garcia, Juan C., Gutierrez-Garcia, Tania A., Mosino, J. F, Vazquez-Dominguez, E., Martinez, A. Arroyo-Cabrales. A novel application of the white light/fringe projection duo: recovering high precision 3-D images from fossils for the digital preservation of morphology. Palaeontologia Electronica, vol.,18 Issue 2, F.I.: 2.081
- J.C. Gutiérrez-García, J.F. Mosiño, Amalia Martínez. Tunable eight-frame filters with arbitrary steps for temporal phase shifting. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 126, Issue 24, Pages 5083–5087, F.I.: 0.677"" DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.09.135
- V.H. Flores Muñoz, N.I. Toto-Arellano, B. López-Ortiz, A. Martínez García, G. Rodríguez-Zurita. Microscopic measurement of Red Blood Cells using parallel phase shifting interferometry. Optik, Vol. 126, pp- 5307–5309, F.I.: 0.677
- Miguel León-Rodríguez, Raúl R. Cordero, Juan A. Rayas, Amalia Martínez-García, Adrián Martínez-Gonzalez, Fernando Labbe, Alejandro Téllez-Quiñones; Victor Flores-Muñoz Reduction of the ringing effect in off-axis digital holography reconstruction from two reconstruction distances based on Talbot effect. Optical Engineering Volume 54, Issue 10, F.I.: 0.954. DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.54.10.104110
- N.-I. Toto-Arellano, J.M. Miranda Goméz, L. García-Lechuga, A. Montes-Peréz, G. Rodríguez Zurita, A. Martínez García, J.A. Martínez Dominguéz. Diffraction theory of binary amplitude and phase gratings with applications for Ronchi test. "Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics Volume 126, Issue 23, Pages 3717–3727, F.I.: 0.677 ". DOI:10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.08.253
- B. López-Ortiz, N.I. Toto-Arellano, V.H. Flores Muñoz, A. Martínez García, Y.A. Cravioto Tellez. Measurement of the slope of transparent micro-structures using two-steps parallel phase shifting interferometry. "Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 126, Issue 24, Pages 5928–5931 F.I.: 0.677" DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.09.025
- Analía Sicardi Segade, J. C. Estrada, Amalia Martínez García, Guillermo Garnica, “On axis fringe projection: A new method for shape measurement”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 69, p. 29-34, 2015.
- Katia Genovese, Areli Montes, Amalia Martínez, Sam. L. Evans, “Full-surface deformation measurement of anisotropic tissues under indentation”, Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 37, p. 484-493, 2015.
- Adonai Gonzalez, Mariano Rivera, Manuel Servin, Ricardo Legarda-Saenz, Oscar Dalmau, Amalia Martinez. Synchronous phase demodulation algorithm for conic carrier Hartmann topographer. Optics and Lasers in Engineering Vol. 67 pp. 157–162.
- Marcelino Anguiano-Morales, E. Noé Arias, G. Garnica, A. Martínez. Image fusion by color texture extraction. Optik Vol. 125 pp. 810–812.
- Y.Y. Lopez Domınguez, A. Martınez, and J.A. Rayas. Topometry and color association by RGB Fringe Projection Technique. REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA Vol.60 pp. 109–113.
- B. López-Ortiz, N.-I. Toto-Arellano, V.H. Flores Muñoz, A. Martínez García, L. García Lechuga, J.-A. Martínez Domínguez. Phase profile analysis of transparent objects through the use of a two windows interferometer based on a one beam splitter configuration. Optik Vol. 125 pp. 7227–7230.
- Víctor H. Flores, Luciana Casaletto, Katia Genovese, Amalia Martínez, Juan A. Rayas, Panoramic fringe projection using a conical mirror, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 58, 80(2014).
- David Ignacio Serrano-García, Amalia Martínez-García, Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano and Yukitoshi Otani, Dynamic temperature field measurements using a polarization phase shifting technique, Optical Engineering 53, 112202(2014).
- Analía Sicardi Segade, Amalia Martínez García, Noel-Ivan Toto Arellano, J. A. Rayas, Analysis of the fringes visibility generated by a lateral cyclic shera interferometer to the obtaining of topography, Optik 125, 1320(2014).
- Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano, David Serrano García, Amalia Martínez García, Parallel two-step phase shifting interferometry using a double cyclic shear interferometer Optics Express 21, 31983(2013).
- Víctor Hugo Flores Muñoz, Amalia Martínez-García, J. A. Rayas, K. Genovese, Spatial location in 3600 of reference points over an object by using stereo visión, Revista Mexicana de Física E59, 23(2013).
- Areli Montes-Pérez, Amalia Martínez-García, Gustavo Rodríguez-Zurita, Carlos Robledo-Sánchez, José F. Vázquez Castillo, Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano, Generation of vortices in spiral optical Mach-Zehnder, Óptica Pura y Aplicada 46, 33(2013).
- Katia Genovese, Luciana Casaletto, J. A. Rayas, Víctor Flores, Amalia Martínez García, Stereo-Digital Image Correlation (DIC) measurements with a single camera using a biprism, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 51, 278(2013).
- Juan Carlos Gutiérrez García, Juan Francisco Mosiño, Amalia Martínez García, Tania Gutiérrez García, Ella Vázquez Domínguez, Joaquín Arroyo Cabrales, Practical eight frame algorithms for fringe projection profilometry: biological materials application, Optics Express 21, 903(2013).
- David Ignacio Serrano-García, Noel Ivan Toto-Arellano, Amalia Martínez-García, Juan Antonio Rayas Álvarez, Gustavo Rodríguez Zurita, Dynamic phase profile of phase objects based in the use of a quasi-common path interferometer, Optik 123, 1742(2012).
- N. I. Toto-Arellano, D. I. Serrano-García, Amalia Martínez García, G. Rodríguez-Zurita, A. Montes-Pérez, J. M. Miranda-Gómez, G. Reséndiz López, A. González Rosas, and L. García-Lechuga, Single shot phase shifting techniques for 4D radial slope measurements of transparent samples, Revista Mexicana de Física 58, 335(2012)
- David-Ignacio Serrano-García, Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano, Amalia Martínez-García, Juan-Antonio Rayas-Álvarez, Gustavo Rodríguez-Zurita, Areli Montes-Pérez, Adjustable-window grating interferometer based on a Mach-Zehnder configuration for phase profile measurements of transparent samples, Optical Engineering 51, 055601(2012).
- David Ignacio Serrano-García, Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano, Amalia Martínez-García, Gustavo Rodríguez Zurita, Radial slope measurement of dynamic transparent samples, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics14, 045706(2012).
- Amalia Martínez, J. A. Rayas, R. R. Cordero, Daniela Baliero, Fernando Labbe, Leaf cuticle topography retrieved by using fringe projection, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 50, 231(2012).
- Amalia Martínez, J. A. Rayas, Raul Cordero, Fernando Labbe, Comparative measurement of in plane strain by shearography and electronic speckle pattern interferometry, Revista Mexicana de Física 57, 518(2011).
- Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano, David Ignacio Serrano-García, Amalia Martínez García, Gustavo Rodríguez Zurita and Areli Montes-Pérez, 4D profile of phase objects through the use of a simultaneous phase shifting quasi-common path interferometer, Journal of Optics 13, 115502(2011).
- Marcelino Anguiano-Morales, Amalia Martínez, Guillermo Garnica, J.A. Rayas, Fernando Mendoza Santoyo, Micro- and macro deformation measurement by extension of correlation technique, Optik 122, 1642(2011).
- Noel-Ivan Toto-Arellano, Amalia Martínez García, Gustavo Rodríguez-Zurita, Juan Antonio Rayas Álvarez, Areli Montes Pérez, Slope measurement of a phase object using a polarizing phase-shifting high frecuency Ronchi grating interferometer, Applied Optics 49, 6402(2010).
- Raul R. Cordero, Amalia Martínez, Juan A. Rayas, Fernando Labbe, Necking progression in tensile specimens monitored in real-time by using fringe projection, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 48, 1285(2010).
- Amalia Martínez, J. A. Rayas, H. J. Puga, Katia Genovese, Iterative estimation of the topography measurement by fringe-projection method with divergent illumination by considering the pitch variation along the x and z directions, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 48, 877(2010).
- Jorge Parra-Michel, Amalia Martínez, Marcelino Anguiano-Morales, J. A. Rayas, Measuring object shape by using in-plane electronic speckle pattern interferometry with divergent illumination, Measurement Science Technology 21, 045303(2010).