
Dr. Alfredo Benítez Lara

Position: Investigador Cátedra CONACYT

PhD. Alfredo Benítez Lara earned his bachelor degree in electronic on 2006 form the Benemérita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla. The master and PhD. were done in semiconductor devices at the same university on 2010 and 2015, respectively. He did the postdoctoral research from January 2016 to September 2017 at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Now, he is a researcher at CIO by the cathedratic-CONACYT program.


HFCVD reactors designed and built at UTSA and BUAP. This system was designed for the deposit of thin films oxides such as ZnO and SiO2. The design is configured with tungsten filaments and H2 gas to target a solid source and subsequently deposit the material.

Micro Electro Mechanical system at BUAP. The MEMS was used to detect electric potentials in the brain of rats. The technology included patterning, etching and oxidation processes equivalent to a CMOS technology. This design has been installed in Physiology at BUAP.

Electron beam induced current and Cathodoluminescence (EBIC-CL) system design at UTSA during the postdoctoral period. The system has been designed to produce a synchronized signal with the scanning microscope registered in a Raspberry Pi 3 computer to generate images with the same field-of-view of the scanned region. CL part collects emission light from semiconductors and EBIC component can register images of the current induced and structural defects.

Research Interests:

Selected Publications: