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Autonomous Detection of Photovoltaic Panels by Aerial Images

  • Start date: January -- 2019
  • Product: Master's Thesis
  • Student: Laura Jessica Ortega Laguna
  • Contact:
  • Objetive: Design and implement an autonomous system with the ability to delimit regions of interest (photovoltaic panels) in order to generate an appropriate inspection strategy for the detection of visible faults in photovoltaic systems.

Description: Considering the recent growth of installed large-scale photovoltaic systems, it is very important to have a map that shows the location of the panels of the system, so that it is possible to carry out tasks of great relevance, for instance preventive maintenance, avoiding losses in efficiency due to low energy production; in this sense, the goal of this work is to design and implement an autonomous system capable of generating a representation of the environment by locating relevant elements (photovoltaic panels) through an aerial images.