Name: Dr. Uladzímir (or Vladimir) P. Minkovich
Position: Investigador Titular B
SNI Level: II
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Citations: 608


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Personal information:

Dr. Uladzimir (or Vladimir) Petrovich Minkovich received his M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering and Technology from the Belarussian Technological Institute (the University since 2000), Minsk, Belarus, in 1973, and the Ph.D. degree in optical systems of location, communication, and information processing, from the Institute of Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, in 1986. He has worked on problems of optical fiber technology since 1975 as a researcher with the Institute of Applied Optics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, and with the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE), Russian Academy of Sciences, Fryazino, Moscow Region, Russia. He was involved in projects with the Oxford Electronics, the Strathclyde University and the University of Bath (Great Britain), with the University of Laval (Canada) on development and application of optical fibers.  Since 1999, he has been with the Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, A.C. (CIO), Leon Gto, Mexico, as an Investigador Titular B.  V.P. Minkovich is an author of a book on special photonic crystal fibers, a coauthor of 49 articles published in international scientific journals, +24 articles published in Proceedings of conferences, his research works have been cited in more than 608 scientific publications. He participated in 56 international or national conferences as a reporter. He is the holder of 13 patents, and with another  4  in procedure. Dr. Minkovich participated (in Mexico) as a leader of  6 scientific projects with external supports. He supervised of 7 M.Sc. thesis projects (finished) and  3 Ph.D. thesis projects (2 finished and 1 in a process).

Research interests:

His current research interests include design, development, fabrication and investigation of special and conventional plastic and silica optical fibers and also silica photonic crystal fibers for communication, car building undustry,  fiber lasers and sensor applications.


Selected publication from the recent five years:


  • A.V. Kir’yanov, V.P. Minkovich, Yu.O. Barmenkov, “All-fiber 2.05-μm continuous-wave ytterbium-holmium laser pumped at 1.064 μm”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.. 26, 1924(2014).
  • M. Vaca-Pereira, V.P. Minkovich, A. Garcia Villegas, “Polymer optical fiber termination with use of liquid nitrogen”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 26, 516 (2014).
  • J. Villatoro, V. P. Minkovich, J. Zubia, “Locally pressed photonic crystal fiber interferometer for multi-parameter sensing”, Opt. Lett. 39, 2580 (2014).


  • M. Vaca-Pereira, V.P. Minkovich, and S. Calixto, “Fabrication and investigation of large-mode-area photonic crystal fibers”, Rev. Mex. Fis. 59, 317 (2013).
  • V.P. Minkovich, J. Villatoro, and D. Monzon-Hernandez, “Method for monitoring strain using a tapered microstructured optical fiber”, Patente de Europeo No. EP 1 962 120 B1 (2013).


  • Guillermo A. Cárdenas-Sevilla, David Monzón-Hernández, and V.P. Minkovich, “Demonstration of an all-fiber band-rejection filter based on a tapered photonic crystal fiber”, Appl. Phys. Express 5, Art. Number 022502 (2012).


  • El Libro: Uladzimir Minkovich, Special photonic crystal fibers: Modeling, fabrication and application, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, 84p. (ISBN: 978-3-8465-3622-3).


  • D. Barrera, J. Villatoro, V. Finazzi, G.A. Cardenas-Sevilla, V.P. Minkovich, S. Sales, and V. Pruneri, “Low-loss photonic crystal fiber interferometers for sensor networks”, J. Lightw. Technol. 28, 3542 (2010).
  • A.V. Kiryanov, V.P. Minkovich, I.V. Mel’nikov, and A.B. Sotsky, “Infrared supercontinuum generation in cladding of a hollow-core fiber pumped with a 1-ns 1.06-mm Nd3+ : YAG/Cr4+ : YAG Microchip Laser”, Open Optics Journal 4, 29 (2010).
  • V.P. Minkovich, A.V.Kir’yanov, Fernando Mendoza S., “Fibra hueca de núcleo grande unimodal con baja sensibilidad a perdidas por doblamiento”, Patente de Mexico, No. 310520 (2010).