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Personal information:
Olivier Pottiez was born in Belgium in 1974. He obtained the Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (FPMs, Mons, Belgium) in 1997. From 1997 to 2002, he has been working at FPMs. Electromagnetism and Telecommunications Dept., in the fields of rare-earth-doped fiber amplifiers and actively mode-locked fiber lasers for ultrashort pulse generation at high repetition rates, for telecom applications. In particular, his work focused on techniques to characterize and reduce the noises affecting ultrashort pulse trains. He received the Ph.D. degree at FPMs in 2001. In 2003, with the financial support of Belgian FNRS (Fonds National de Recherche Scientifique) and Mexican CONACyT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Cátedras patrimoniales de Excelencia nivel II), he realized a postdoctoral stay at Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE, Puebla). At INAOE he studied passively mode-locked fiber lasers and nonlinear fiber Sagnac interferometers for ultrafast signal regeneration, in collaboration with Drs E. A. Kuzin and B. Ibarra Escamilla. He has been working at CIO since 2006. O. Pottiez is author or co-author of more than 60 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals, 2 book chapters and more than 80 conference proceedings.
Research interests:
- Theoretical, numerical and experimental study of fiber-based devices for regeneration of ultrafast optical signals, all-optical signal processing, ultrashort pulse characterization and passive mode locking.
- Study of passively mode-locked fiber lasers for the generation of high-energy/high-repetition-rate/multi-wavelength pulses, dynamics of conservative or dissipative solitons, noise-like pulses etc. for applications including ultrafast optical transmissions, materials processing and medicine.
- Supercontinuum generation in optical fibers.
Selected publications from the recent five years:
- O. Pottiez, B. Ibarra-Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, J. C. Hernandez-Garcia, A. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. Durán-Sánchez, Multiple noise-like pulsing of a figure-eight fiber laser, Laser Physics 24, 015103 (2014).
- O. Pottiez, B. Ibarra-Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, Wavelength-dependent nonlinear optical loop mirror for simultaneous amplitude noise reduction at two wavelengths, J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public. 8, 13059 (2013).
- O. Pottiez, J. C. Hernandez-Garcia, B. Ibarra Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, Dual-wavelength operation of a figure-8 fiber laser, Laser Physics 22, 1565 (2012).
- J. C. Hernandez-Garcia, O. Pottiez, J. M. Estudillo-Ayala, Supercontinuum generation in a Standard fiber pumped by noise-like pulses from a figure-eight fiber laser, Laser Physics 22, 221 (2012).
- O. Pottiez, R. Grajales-Coutiño, B. Ibarra Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, J. C. Hernandez-Garcia, Adjustable noise-like pulses from a figure-eight fiber laser, Applied Optics 50, E24 (2011).
- O. Pottiez, B. Ibarra Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, R. Grajales-Coutiño, C.-M. Carrillo-Delgado, Generation of high-energy pulses from an all-normal-dispersion figure-8 fiber laser, Laser Physics 20, 709 (2010).
- O. Pottiez, B. Ibarra Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, R. Grajales-Coutiño, A. Gonzalez-Garcia, Tuneable Sagnac comb filter including two wave retarders, Optics & Laser Technology 42, 403 (2010).
- Gonzalez-Garcia, O. Pottiez, R. Grajales-Coutiño, B. Ibarra Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, Optical pulse compression and amplitude noise reduction using a non-linear optical loop mirror including a distributed Gires-Tournois etalon, Optics & Laser Technology 42, 1103 (2010).
- O. Pottiez, B. Ibarra Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, Step-like all-optical decision function using nonlinear polarisation rotation in a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror and in a subsequent fibre section with output polarisation selection, Optical Fiber Technology 15, 258 (2009).
- O. Pottiez, B. Ibarra Escamilla, E. A. Kuzin, Large amplitude noise reduction in ultrashort pulse trains using a power-symmetric Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror, Optics & Laser Technology 41, 384 (2009).